Join the Fight Against
Lower Lung Disease

If You Own Or
Purchase Machines With An Operator Enclosure
Adopt ISO 23875:2021, the international cab air quality standard. Make it how your company does operator enclosure air quality.
When purchasing a new machine specify in the machine tender that the cab must come from the manufacture with a declaration of conformance to ISO 23875:2021.
Retrofit your machine using ISO 23875:2021 as your standard
If hiring a retrofitter to do the installation require a declaration of conformance to ISO 23875:2021.
If You Are A Machine Operator
Let your supervisor know about the resources available through ISEEE.
Talk about it with your fellow operators.
ISO 23875:2021 was designed specifically to protect operators, insist that the machines that you operate are in conformance to ISO 23875:2021.
Get educated about the topic -- Sign up for the online course and learn more about the standard and how it works to protect your lung health.

If You Are A
Subject Matter Expert
If you are a subject matter expert, share your expertise within your company, trade association, or national or international standards committees.
AEM, AIHA, AIOH, GMG, ICMM, IMA-NA, NSGA, ANSI, CSA, SAE, ICONTEC, ISO, and many other organizations have health and safety committees that need meaningful input on this topic, as they work to develop a safer work environment.
Volunteer to participate in regulatory development.
Be the go-to person for information and expertise on ISO 23875:2021 in your organization.
If You Are A Stakeholder
Volunteer to participate in standards and regulatory development.
Educate your company about the importance of operator enclosure air quality and the existence of an international standard that addresses the concerns of the maintenance department, health and safety officers, industrial hygienists, human resource managers, and senior administrators around operator protection.
Encourage your organization to standardize operator enclosure air quality practices using ISO 23875:2021
Adopt and implement ISO 23875:2021 as the way operator enclosure air quality it done in your organization.