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Development of ISO 23875:2021 w/Amd. 1
Operator's Maintenance Manual and certificate of conformance documentation
Who should take this course?
Anyone using ISO 23875:2021 with Amendment 1, to design, retrofit, performance test, certify, or maintain an operator enclosure.
How long is the course?
It takes approximately 4 hours to complete the course including the in person session with the live instructor
What does the course teach?
The course teaches how to implement ISO 23875:2021. It provides practical examples and templates for the testing, reporting, and maintenance manual requirements found in ISO 23875:2021 with Amendment 1.
What else is needed to take the course?
To maximize the benefit of this course, you will need a copy of ISO 23875:2021 and Amendment 1, which can
be purchased from your national standards organization or
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