Last month ISEEE President Jeff Moredock and Board Member Liam Wilson met with the University of Queensland Sustainable Minerals Institute (UQ SMI) researchers to provide an overview, understanding, and benefits of ISO 23875 for operators in cabs (enclosures). One of the requirements of ISO 23875 is the continual monitoring of CO2. While formal studies have yet to be completed on this topic there is user evidence that compliance with ISO 23875 may result in a decrease in operator fatigue.
As a result of the discussions, Robin Burgess-Limerick Ph.D. has made a submission to the 2023 Australian Coal Industry Research Program (ACARP) for a research proposal to conduct a study to correlate real-time measured operator enclosure CO2 levels with technology-recorded fatigue-related events.

Watch this space for updates. ISEEE is proud to be connecting organizations and researchers to further the protection of operators. This is another example where ISO23875 provides a practical, effective solution in reducing risk for operators in our industry in addition to dust exposure mitigation.
Excellent development.
It is encouraging to see ISEEE's influence on industry and academic leaders. We'll wait for the data but I strongly expect it will bear out the relationship between CO2 and "fatigue related" events.