Can countries adopt ISO Standards? Simple answer, Yes.
ISO 23875:2021/Amd 1:2022 Mining — Air quality control systems for operator enclosures — Performance requirements and test methods — Amendment 1 was published in June 2022.
What’s the process?
In Australia, the national body is Standards Australia. In terms of ISO Mining Equipment Standards, they are reviewed by the Standards Australia Mining Equipment Committee ME-018. Adoption reduces work, duplication, costs and allows international alignment (efficiency!).
There are two options for a Standards adoption; 1. Identical adoption (i.e. no changes), 2. Amended adoption. The preference is always to achieve identical adoption of the Standard. When a Standard is being looked at for adoption, an Adoption Form is completed and circulated to all the Committee Members for comment and endorsement or objection.

If/when endorsed by the Committee, the adoption goes out for what is called Combined Procedure (CP). This is a six-week ballot for committee members and the public to comment on the adoption. Once this is completed any comments are reviewed and addressed and a two-week ballot for the committee is held. Once this is closed if the vote is in favor the Standard is accepted and published.
ISO 23875 is currently about to be released for the Combined Procedure Ballot, watch this space for news on the Australian adoption of ISO 23875!