ISO 23875:2021
with Amendment 1
Welcome to the International Society of Environmental Enclosure Engineers (ISEEE.net), the premier destination for professionals in the field of environmental enclosure air quality engineering.
We are a 501(c)3 non-profit organization dedicated to advancing the field through research, education, and consultation. Our mission is to protect the lung health of equipment operators by developing best practices and educational materials in the field of environmental enclosure air quality engineering.
As part of our commitment to advancing the field, we offer a range of educational opportunities, including our highly-regarded Advance Cab Theory Workshop and online ISO 23875 training class. Our educational offerings are designed for professionals who want to stay up-to-date on the latest developments in environmental enclosure air quality design, performance testing, and standards.
In addition to our educational offerings, we consult with organizations to optimize their environmental enclosure air quality designs and ensure the safety and health of their equipment operators.
Thank you for visiting. We hope you find our site informative and useful as you strive to excel in the field of environmental enclosure air quality engineering. Please feel free to contact us with any questions or to learn more about our organization and how we can support your professional development.
ISO 23875:2021
With average cab concentrations below 50 µg/m3, we have the confidence of knowing that we not only provide a healthy work environment for our employees but also that potential health and regulatory compliance issues [with MSHA] are dramatically reduced.
Having the knowledge and ability to test the cabs in a standardized format that is repeatable and reliable allows our Maintenance Department to work closely with the Health & Safety Department to correct cab-related exposure issues and make consistent and steady improvements.
Tim Adkins
Director, Health & Safety